North Country Estates HOA in Bryan Texas
HOA and Area History

North Country Estates was started in 2000 with the initial development of Phase 1 using property that was previously part of the larger Peters Bar P Ranch. Some of the ranch land qualified as a Family Land Heritage property by the State of Texas for having remained in ownership of the same family for over 100 years.

The subdivision has been fortunate to have attracted a group of quality builders and a large number of caring home buyers and owners who make good neighbors that consistently exhibit pride in their property in terms of maintenance and upkeep.

Bryan, Texas History

Brazos Heritage Society

Board Members

Adam Case

Board of Directors | President

Rob Trusty

Board of Directors | Vice President

Dave Alberts

Board of Directors | Treasurer

Michaela Montano

Board of Directors | Secretary

David Leese

Board of Directors | Director-at-Large


Board of Directors Meetings

With the exception of electing Officers, all Board of Directors meetings shall be open to the membership. Only Directors shall have a vote and discussion role during the meeting. Members may request up to 10 minutes of meeting time if requested to BHHS Caliber Realty or the Board of Directors President in writing at least one (1) day prior to the meeting. Member discussion is limited to Association business, and must be presented in a civil manner. You may also contact BHHS Caliber Realty for additional meeting details.

Workshop Meetings

Workshop meetings of the Board of Directors are generally held on the second Tuesday of each month that are not on the Quarterly or Annual Meeting schedule. These meetings are at the convenience of the Board of Directors individual schedules and held at a chosen time and location.

Annual Meeting

Annual meetings are typically held on the 3rd Tuesday of October.


Preside over Board meetings

Signage authority

Call meetings

General supervision, direction, and control of affairs

Vice President

Act in the place of the President in their absence

Exercise and discharge other duties required of the VP and necessitated by the Board


Sign as a secretary on deeds, contracts, and other instruments approved by the Board

Keep appropriate current records

Keep records of meetings


Responsible for maintenance of books and records as it pertains to association dues and funds

Work with the management company on financial statements

Architectural Review Committee

Volunteers would be welcome and would gladly be accepted.

Welcome Committee

Melanie Caballero

Volunteers would be welcome and would gladly be accepted.

Garage Sale Committee

Jenna Yentes

Robin Arnold

Fourth of July Parade Committee

Karen Workman

Volunteers would be welcome and would gladly be accepted.

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